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Autore: Joe Sacco
Note aggiuntive: Sito ufficile di Killa Kela
Killa Kela is a one-time member of the Isolationists, Rock Steady Crew and The Scratch Perverts. He's also appeared on DJ Vadim's albums and supported the Super Furry Animals. He says he's not a beatboxer but claims to be "a one-man multimedia promotion machine".

In reality though he is just a beatboxer. A bloody good beatboxer, one that would probably make your jaw drop if you were to see him live. But therein lies the rub - beatboxing is a live occupation. On CD it doesn't work - it's just a bit silly. The Permanent Marker contains some admirable musical ideas. But whereas any normal person would employ a drummer or, at the very least, a drum machine, Kela does all the beats (not to mention samples and scratching) with his mouth. Live it's astounding, recorded it sounds muddy, badly miked and shoddily produced.

Kela's also a bit full of himself: track one consists of four minutes of self-congratulatory rubbish. There's also a long conversation between him and collaborator MC Normski. He's good - just don't bother to buy the album, go and see him live instead.


Live killer kela - beatbox tilos party 12945 KB

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